Saturday 1 June 2013

Kuala Lumpur City (in a day)

“[Up to 51% Off] Full Day Unlimited Access on a Tour Double Decker Bus Ride around Kuala Lumpur. Choose 1 (RM10) / 3 (RM28) Adults. From RM9.30 per adult... To truly enjoy travelling in any country, one should dwell in the city centre, live the native’s lifestyle, and admire the road works. Today’s Groupon goes for a spin with a full day unlimited access on a city tour double decker bus ride with KL Hop-On Hop-Off around Kuala Lumpur.”

The above announcement was taken from Groupon. We promptly bought three vouchers and made plans to explore Kuala Lumpur in ways not possible before.

Don’t we spend too much time behind the wheel? I’ve always wished that someone could drive for me while I properly looked around this fair city of ours. I know this sounds corny, but all that driving around all these years left me with a distinct feeling of “not seeing the forest for the trees”. Kuala Lumpur from the eyes of a tourist is a pretty exciting city to visit, with a lot of prominent landmarks and places of interest. Plus, with a higher vantage point that the double decker bus provides we would definitely be able to enjoy the sights even more.

Our morning started with breakfast (*here at Capital Cafe) with familiar faces. After a hearty Malaysian breakfast, coffee with kaya and margarine laden toast bread we waited for RapidKL’s U24 to take us to Piccolo Hotel where the double decker bus awaits.

where art thou, U24?

Brendan growing impatient


don't worry, he's usually surly in the morning

However, upon reaching our destination I had to dart into Fahrenheit for an urgent ‘number two’.

while waiting for her dear husband..

.. she knows how to keep herself amused!

We promptly caught the double decker at 11:00AM and proceeded to enjoy ourselves thoroughly. Feel free to browse through our detailed pictorial coverage of the route taken by the bus here.

We had to make an unscheduled stop at KLCC because Brendan had an urgent ‘number two’ as well.  (We think last night’s visit to our favourite banana leaf rice restaurant might have been the culprit, sorry Picik!) 

and off we go!

and why is Brendan so vain?

guess what's at the bottom of the sign..

double decker..

..  double delight 

a 10 minute 'photo-stop' at the Royal Palace..

complete with Royal guards
As Brendan sought relief Cat managed to sneak some time to buy a few items going cheap at Body Shop.

must resist, must resist

relieved, my boy?

Since we planned to have lunch in the Bukit Bintang area we waited for the GOKL free shuttle bus from KLCC to Times Square.


my first time on the free shuttle bus

Brendan was in the mood for Udon so we made our way to Low Yat’s lower ground floor (*here at Taro Ramen) for lunch.

Fueled by MSG, we made our way back to Piccolo Hotel for a second round around Kuala Lumpur on the double decker. We caught the bus at 3:30PM and set off again. Feel free to browse through our detailed pictorial coverage of the route taken by the bus here.

navigating her way through all these clothes

waiting for the bus

and here we go again

ever tried a 'selca' with your DSLR?

iconic building

our National Theatre

world famous towers

bet the radio reception's great up there!

Two and a half hours later and we ended up back at Stop Number 6 (the stop in front of Piccolo Hotel is known as). We caught the same RapidKL U24 bus back to our home, and since we were pretty much exhausted from the day’s exertions we decided to keep it simple and had dinner at our default hole-in-the-wall mamak (*here at Abang Abu).

we owned this!

where art thou, U24?

the aircond is cooler

let's go home, we're tired

Rest assured we’ll be on the lookout for future offers for the Hop-On Hop-Off bus. We only have one complaint, and it's regarding the air-conditioning. We hope the next we board the double decker its air-conditioning has been serviced (fingers crossed!).

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