Saturday 1 June 2013

Selangor Mansion Tea House (Abang Abu!)

Selangor Mansion Tea House a.k.a. An Nasuha
Flat Selangor Mansion
Jalan Bunus, City Centre
50100 Kuala Lumpur
(Coordinates: 3° 9' 7.00", 101° 41' 50.50")

(This establishment was covered extensively here)

After a long day of gallivanting and walkabout-ing (woot!), plus the fact that we might have overspent for lunch (sigh) we come to here for dinner. Not that we’re complaining as this place has always been our default mamak shop since way back when.

Anyone who knows us well will know of Brendan’s dogged bias and inclination for chicken curry (south Indian style). Brendan was never one who could tolerate hot and spicy food growing up, and would always elect tomato ketchup over chili sauce as his favoured condiment.

our default hole-in-the-wall mamak shop

hmm, what shall I have.. seriously?

they make roti canais by the sackful!

Abang Abu (as this place is affectionately known to us) promptly changed all that! At the ripe old age of seven he was introduced to chicken curry and Brendan has not looked back since then. Thank you Abang Abu for letting Brendan graduate from rice and soup to rice and curry.

do you really need to ask what Brendan had?

having his 'cake' and eating it!

I had the healthier option (capati)

while Cat had the roti telur (she couldn't wait)

hah! guilty smile..

And oh, did I mention that Abang Abu serves the best teh tarik in town?

yup, the absolute best!

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