Sunday, 18 August 2013

Sri Steven's Corner (OUG)

Sri Steven's Corner (OUG)
18 & 18A Jalan Hujan Rahmat 2
Taman Overseas Union
58200 Kuala Lumpur
(Coordinates: E101° 40' 23" N3° 4' 21")

We’ve been meaning to come here for a very long time now. The Pandan Indah and Setapak outlets have always been very dear to our hearts and visiting the original Sri Steven’s Corner here in OUG is almost like performing a pilgrimage.

The coordinates provided by Google Map ultimately led us to a quiet residential area (somewhere along Jalan Hujan Emas). We made some quick adjustments to the coordinates and a search for Jalan Hujan Rahmat 2 on our GPS navigator eventually led us properly to the premises.

Located along a narrow road near the OUG wet market, we were thankful to be here during the daytime, we can imagine that at night (during peak hours) parking can be a b*tch here.

the original outlet

parking can be tricky during peak hours

Cat and Brendan was so in the mood for 1Banana Leaf Rice and quickly made their way to the counter; they promptly ordered Ikan Tenggiri Kari (Curried Mackerel) and Spiced Chicken Cutlets respectively. I read somewhere that the 2Nasi Lemak here was pretty good and decided to try it.

1white rice served on a banana leaf with an assortment of vegetables, pickles, papadum and other condiments
2fragrant rice dish cooked in coconut milk and screwpine leaves


curry & spices galore

the sign is hardly needed

Cat and Brendan enjoyed their dishes immensely; Brendan took particular pleasure in his banana leaf rice with spiced chicken cutlets. I had to agree with the good reviews the Nasi Lemak received, and adored it as well.

Brendan's delightful spread

Cat's delicious meal

I loved my nasi lemak

bon appetit!

The damage? Including a can of Pepsi Cola each for Cat and Brendan, and a glass of iced coffee for moi the grand total was a mystifyingly low RM22. The everyday food for the everyday person? All together now… heck yeah! Will we come back? A resounding yes!

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