Sunday 10 November 2013

Firdausa (Tim): No Longer A Bachelorette!

Kondo Rakyat Desa Pantai 4
Jalan Pantai Murni 2, Bukit Kerinchi
47000 Kuala Lumpur
(Coordinates: E101° 39' 48.1" N3° 6' 13.2")

Its been awhile since we’ve attended a Malay wedding, and this time a colleague of mine will be ending her bachelorette days in typical pomp and pageantry. We’ve known Firdausa (or Tim, as she is affectionately called) for a while now and we were glad to join in the festivities and merrymaking.

So without further ado, we’ll let our pictures paint the words for us…

the banner greeting us as we entered

we know her as Tim

egg "plant"?

royalty for the day

the throne

some really good rendang served here, believe you me

Brendan at the cendol stall

tasteful dishes, tastefully decorated tents

Cat and our CEO, Madam Koid (in the centre)

just some of the colleagues that came to make merry

posing at the throne with Shikin (Mama)

taken by Cat (which was why Brendan and I are out of focus)


the groom

rightfully delighted!
here comes the bride...

... all dressed in... beige

with her attentive maid of honour

he can hardly wait

she rushes to meet him

and so the procession begins

the best man and maid of honour (with umbrellas) are up next!

looking radiant

the procession in it's full pomp and pageantry

we bade a fond farewell

and wished them the very best

as they embarked on a new life together

our heartiest congratulations to the lovely couple!

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