Monday 29 December 2014

Pasar Besar Kedai Payang

Jalan Sultan Zainal Abidin
20000 Kuala Terengganu
Coordinates: 5.335782, 103.135309

We reported of disturbing development concerning this beloved landmark last year, where the Public Works Department had initially confirmed the market's compromised safety condition; the Chief Minister then in February announced its revamp; a plan to modernise it; then the Terengganu State Tourism Association (PPNT) asked the state government to review this plan.

a new structure across the kedai payang

I think its a parking complex?

a distinctively Terengganu bus

A year later and we’re happy to report that our beloved and iconic Pasar Besar Kedai Payang still stands tall and proud.

We headed upstairs to its food court to have ourselves some authentic Terengganu breakfast spread.

the first stall that you see

bevy of beverages, and colours

you could have nasi dagang...

nasi lemak...

or even bee hoon

but I settled for this...

while Brendan had Mee Soup

and some toasted break with Kaya

and Cat had the nasi lemak

We then headed across the first floor to the textile and homeware section, and behold a feast of colours!

you are greeted by...

all colours of the rainbow...

and more

narrow walkways...

that seem to stretch forever

trinkets and souvenirs

tiny soft toys


and even more kaftans

Downstairs on the ground floor and past the wet market is where we get our stocks of Keropok Keping (raw fish crackers that require deep frying before its edible).

she's perched high atop her goods

only in Terengganu

a commanding view

the sights, sounds and smell!

the one and only Pasar Besar Kedai Payang

And before you know it, its almost lunchtime and I know for just the place for even more authentic Terengganu food.

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