Saturday 27 December 2014

Gerai Kuih Gong Kapas

Jalan Panji Alam
21100 Kuala Terengganu
Coordinates: 5.314374, 103.144272

Since we had breakfast twice this morning we decided to skip lunch. In our family’s vocabulary skipping lunch does not mean not having a meal during lunchtime; rather, it means scaling down and having something light.

So with this in mind we headed to Gong Kapas where there’s a stall (a gross understatement, wait till you see the photos!) selling local and traditional (almost always) sweet cakes.

a stall...

this is definitely not!

the variety is staggering

not for the feint of heart

or the diabetic!

cakes I grew up loving

a little too much I might add

freshly fried keropok lekor as well

Although officially known as Gerai Kuih Gong Kapas (or Gong Kapas Cakes Stall) among my family members this place will always be fondly remembered as "Haji Leong". 

Why is that you ask? Well, for a very long time my Dad had been going to a mechanic, a Chinese man who converted to Islam (and eventually perform the Haj, I think?) who goes by his family name of Leong. Eventually he came to be known as Haji Leong and he lived in the neighbourhood behind this stall.

Long before this stall existed my Dad has been coming here whenever he had car troubles. So whenever my Dad went to have his car repaired he'd tell us he's going to 'Haji Leong'. So that's how So this area (although called Gong Kapas) eventually came to be known as Haji Leong, as far as my family is concerned, anyway.

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