Friday 26 December 2014

Sin Phin Siang

Jalan Kampung Cina
20100 Kuala Terengganu
Coordinates: 5.334232, 103.133329

We woke up pretty early after a good night’s sleep and headed down to Kampung Cina (Chinatown) for breakfast.

Among the things we cannot find in Kuala Lumpur is a simple loaf of 1Roti Paun (pronounced with two syllables, usually Pa-Ong or Pa-Ung).

1little butter buns (literally?)

There’s a small quaint little coffee shop (albeit a little rundown) in Kampung Cina that stands right beside the bridge where the Terengganu river used to flow, before all that land reclamation. Its called Sin Phin Siang (we have no idea what it means) and it opens at the crack of dawn.

right proper local celebrities they are!

they've stood the test of time

ever ready with a smile

quaint (and a little rundown)

Brendan (as always) ordered his usual plate of 2Char Kueh Teow; Cat ordered the 3Mee Goreng while I had a bowl of 4Bee Hoon Soup.

Oh, and of course a serving of Roti Paun with its natural accompanying condiment, the inimitable 5Kaya.

2flat rice noodles stir-fried over very high heat with light and dark soy sauce, chili, a small quantity of belachan, and depending on the region usually with whole prawns, de-shelled cockles, bean sprouts, chopped Chinese chives and egg
3stir fried yellow egg noodles
4rice vermicelli soup
5coconut jam, a food spread or fruit curd made from a base of coconut milk, eggs and sugar

what Brendan had
Cat's Mee Goreng

my (very soy-saucy) Bee Hoon Soup

we're good to go

but of course!

Our bellies filled, we’re all fired up to go gallivanting!

very very old establishment

hard at work 

wok-king up a storm

And in case you’re wondering breakfast cost us no more than RM15.

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