Sunday 5 June 2016


Lorong Bentong Makmur 25
Taman Bentong Makmur
28700 Bentong
Coordinates: 3.518023, 101.922779

Over the weekend a friend of Brendan took him to a trampoline park. As a result of being both overly excited and an absolute novice he badly sprained his ankle, to the point where he could only walk with the aid of a walking stick.

Thankfully my parents knew a master masseuse (who’s known as Shīfu) that operated from a house in the vicinity of their quiet neighbourhood in Bentong.

The weekend after that we made plans to visit Shīfu so that he could have a look at Brendan’s ankle.

the examination

and diagnosis

The treatment is not for the feint of heart, apart from the usual massage to clear the ‘blocked’ blood vessels (the best we could translate from Shīfu’s explanation) Shīfu will also prick holes in the affected areas to drain the ‘bad blood’ in order to allow for the swelling to recede.

getting ready

the first few pricks

the darker shade of red are what's know as 'bad blood'

more pricks

all done

Even Cat was not spared. Shīfu noticed that she walked with a gait that caused him to suspect that the length of her legs were not even. True enough, after an examination Shīfu demonstrated to us that her left leg was indeed shorter than her right, and proceeded to 'realign' her legs!

drawing out 'bad blood' from Cat's knee

After the treatment Brendan could walk without the aid of a walking stick. Cat also felt a certain 'lightness' in her lower back which Shīfu attributed to the burden counterbalancing her weight on uneven lengths of her leg.

Both are supposed to report back to him in a month for follow up treatment.

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