Friday 31 January 2020

UAE 2020 Day 11: Lunch, Dinner and Everything In Between

By the time we were done at the Louvre Abu Dhabi we were absolutely famished. With it being our penultimate day, we felt it only right that we have lunch at our one and only comfort food place, Mamak Abu Dhabi.

our last time here

well, for this trip anyway

what to eat, what to eat

the proprietor said goodbye

We chatted with the proprietor for a bit and told him we were going back to Kuala Lumpur the next day. He bade us farewell and hoped to see us again soon.

some had fried chicken AND fish curry

Ginny's nasi lemak

my nasi lemak 

side order of prawn sambal

time to dig in

Cat's squid curry

We then wolfed down our Malaysian lunch with gusto, our heads still swirling with the artefacts, sculptures, paintings and works of art we saw earlier at the Louvre.

We headed back to Al Reef and rested for a couple of hours. My knee underwent several applications of dōTERRA's Deep Blue Rub and felt much better. Sern also gave me a knee brace to wear which helped a lot too.

We went out again in the evening when it was much cooler and made our way to Yas Mall in search of Nescafe. Yes, you got that right. We went all the way to Yas Mall for Nescafe. This Nescafe, to be precise:

a different taste altogether

quite unlike its Malaysian brethren

Four years ago, when we went dune bashing and spent an evening at a desert safari, I had a cup of Nescafe at the buffer bar. The taste of this Nescafe was quite unlike what I had before, and nothing like what I usually have in Malaysia. That time though, we forgot to buy a bottle before leaving. This time around we did not forget.

We then went browsing and ended by window shopping at a retail store called Centrepoint. Here we found shoes and sneakers on sale at half the regular price. I saw a pair I fancied and after some deliberation I bought it:

to this day, my favourite sneakers

We went back home to Al Reef, Ginny and Sern ordered take-outs. To satisfy Brendan’s taste buds we had burgers all round for dinner. After some last minute packing and re-packing, organising and re-organising our large cargo bags we dozed off.

We would be flying back to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow.

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