Monday 27 January 2020

UAE2020 Day 07: The Louvre Abu Dhabi

Barely two hours later we were reached Abu Dhabi and got home to Al Reef where we took a short rest. We then headed out again and along the way witnesses an amazing sight (to us anyway) in the sky above the city:

we looked up to the sky

and witnessed a beautiful sight

It may not mean much to everyone else, but the rays of the sun parting the clouds in the way that it did seemed beautiful to us.

Ginny and Sern had a surprise in store for us, because we were heading to Saadiyat Island to pay a visit to the Louvre Abu Dhabi!

we're dreamed about this museum

alas it was not to be

but we WILL be back!

But alas, we reached there to find it closed. We inadvertently came on a Monday, the one day that it was closed in the entire week. No matter, we did some wandering around in the chilly evening air and after a brisk walk around we headed back to the car.

a cool breeze was blowing

180-metre dome over the huge art museum

it was a very chilly evening

more on the dome in our next post

we headed back to Timah

one last look

We will be back, for sure!

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