Tuesday 28 January 2020

UAE2020 Day 08: Manna Land Korean Restaurant

Sern picked Ginny up at her workplace and we all headed to Al Wahda Mall for some sight-seeing and window shopping. We took no photos here in compliance with the building management's strict "No Photography" rule, enforced by surly Filipino security personnel.

After a couple of hours Ginny and Sern took us to dinner, and in keeping with the day’s theme of international cuisines (we had a Filipino lunch) we found ourselves at a Korean barbeque restaurant.

near Sern's workplace (a very closely guarded secret!)

nothing much has changed

Manna Land Korean Restaurant was a place we had visited in 2016. Situated in close proximity to Sern’s workplace we had lunch here then when he had to pop in to work for a short while. This time around we were having dinner.


distinctly Korean

ceramic wares


rare Korean restaurant still going strong in Abu Dhabi

a treat in store

While everyone had the usual Korean fare I opted for the black bean noodles (Jajangmyeon) while Brendan as always ordered the Kimchi Stew (Kimchi-jjigae) with rice.

appetising side dishes

the indomitable Bibimbap (mixed rice)

a pretty dish

Braised Squid

my Jajangmyeon

about to be devoured

the meal begins

and everyone is engrossed

All in all an excellent meal, and you could never go wrong with Korean cuisine. We headed back to Al Reef to retire for the night, as we prepared for the next day’s adventures on our own.

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