Wednesday 1 April 2020

Menara City One EMCO: Day 02/14 - Life, Adjusted

| Day 15/28 of Malaysian MCO | Day 02/14 of City One EMCO |

We had gotten word that food rations would be delivered to residents of our condo today. Quick calls to our security officer and our friend at the condo management office (COMC) soon dispelled the reports. From what we can gather online, only the EMCOs at Simpang Renggam and Sungai Lui would be entitled to food rations. Oh well, since we were well stocked we were confident of weathering the 14 days.

We however learned that during the night there was an attempt to sneak in or out of Menara City One. We believe that they were probably undocumented migrants (known as 'kosong' amongst our community) trying to evade police capture. We had heard from our friend at the COMC that quite a few of these 'kosong' persons were found loitering about the 7th floor foyer area last night in search of food. Desperate measures for desperate times?

As the day progressed we scoured news articles on Menara City One and came across this article that affirmed what we have been suspecting the whole time:

We ask that everyone we know to pray for our continued health, safety and well-being.

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