Saturday 4 April 2020

Menara City One EMCO: Day 05/14 - AK47s and Cutters

| Day 18/28 of Malaysian MCO | Day 05/14 of City One EMCO |

Reporters had dispersed, and we will try our luck with ordering food deliver service later today. We would need to discuss with security on how we'ere supposed to go about, since we're not allowed to collect. From what we've seen residents are only allowed at the lobby on the ground floor, and the guards will collect the food from the delivery person at the main road and pass to the residents.

After speaking with the security officer; we were told that we were supposed to order and sit tight. PDRM will collect from the delivery person and inform the security control room at ground floor. The security personnel will then call us to collect.

After placing our order with Domino's along Jalan Dang Wangi we waited for the delivery person to call. He duly called and I made my way down to the 7th floor foyer area to take another lift down to the ground floor. I made a point of double-gloving, and besides my mask I made sure to bring my spray-nitiser along to spray anything and everything that I (reluctantly) had to touch.

It was chaos! Migrant covidiots were everywhere; they refused to observe a safe distance between us and I had to keep reminding the person behind me to keep his distance. In the end I made way and let this migrant covidiot go first across the turnstile to where the lifts to the ground floor were. This then opened the floodgate for other migrants to cut queue and things really got out of hand.

And don't get me started with a snotty conceited Pakistani gentleman who thought very highly of himself; and that queuing was beneath him. At the risk of sounding xenophobic I sincerely wished that he would be banished from whence he came.

After a hot and anxious 20 minutes I finally got to the ground floor. Here I was subjected to the PDRM screaming at me for my name. "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?!" yelled the man in navy blue. I calmly answered "nama saya Lim" to which he screamed again "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?!". His colleague then gave him a nudge to tell him my name, and inform him that I was Malaysian. He must have not realised that I responded in Bahasa Melayu, thinking that I must have been another migrant.

I could tell they were growing agitated by the minute dealing with migrants who did not speak either English or Bahasa Melayu. As luck would have it the Domino's delivery person had left after waiting quite a while for me to make my way to the ground floor. After another nervous 10 minutes of continually calling his number he eventually picked up. We agreed for him to turn back and delivery the pizzas, and I told to clearly state my name and unit number to the PDRM personnel on duty out front.

And oh, please remind me that Domino's owes me a 1.5 litre bottle of Pepsi!

I got back to our home; disposed of the mask and double-gloves (using the prescribed pinch and hook method my sister had taught me, thanks Vivi!), deposited all my clothes in the wash and took a long shower. 

We vowed never to order out again until the end of the EMCO.

Then things really began hotting up! Our friend at the condo management office (COMC) reported to us that after the first round of testing done on Wednesday and Thursday a few more positive cases were detected. Today these patients were supposed to be taken away for quarantine but they refused. PDRM have been called in to assist and a further 6 units have reportedly been forced open. One of the units reportedly being raided was B-10-3 which was just a couple of floors away! While we were not able to verify the authenticity of the reports, we were greatly alarmed anyway.

We then received two voice notes from our security officer warning us that KKM and PDRM were on their way up to inspect the vacant units.

Voice Message from Security Officer 1

Voice Message from Security Officer 2

About an hour after receiving the voice messages from our security officer eight to ten personnel from KKM and PDRM (two were armed with AK-47s, two others armed with large yellow cutters) came to our unit to inquire about the other 3 units beside us that were vacant. They were responding to the notices pasted on the units paying reference to us.

face-to-face with AK-47s!

After a brief interview they asked for the contact numbers of the respective house owners, which we duly provided. Thankfully our neighbours' units were spared.

They then proceeded to the floor below and a little while later we heard loud banging and shouting "keluar! keluar! keluar!" and then all quiet. We have no idea what happened after that. The trauma of being confronted by AK-47s will keep us awake tonight.

These are very troubling times indeed 😳and we ask that everyone we know to pray for our continued health, safety and well-being.

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