Thursday 16 April 2020

Menara City One EMCO: Day 17/29 - 2nd Round of Screening

| Day 30/42 of Malaysian MCO | Day 17/29 of City One EMCO |

It was a very lazy hazy Thursday and we reckoned there will not be much to blog about today.

How wrong we were!

At 10.55am we received a voice message from our security officer informing of further tests to be done on all residents at the 7th floor foyer area of our condo:

Voice Message from Security Officer 1

A short while later Dr Eliza, a resident and committee member of the Residents' Association sent us this notice through the residents' chat group:

We were then notified that a team from KKM have arrived at our condo to perform further screenings on all residents of Menara City One. We were told that "The second round will be conducted using RAPID TEST KIT using very minimal blood sample, followed by throat swab sampling if RAPID TEST KIT result is positive. The result with the RAPID TEST KIT is available within a few minutes after the testing."

Shortly before 2pm a KKM personnel visited our unit and asked that we come down for the rapid test kit screening. We did not wear gloves this time since the test involved drawing a small sample of blood from a pin prick into the index finger.

After an arduous half an hour of waiting for the lift to get to the 7th floor foyer area (each lift is limited to only 4 occupants) we were directed to join the first line.

Cat jumped for joy when she found out our tests were negative!  We then waited in line for the lift to take us back to our home. Once home, we then:

  • removed our gloves (using the pinch and hook method)
  • disposed our masks properly (we did not wear gloves)
  • removed all article of clothing, placed directly into the wash
  • had a thorough shower
  • spraynitise our ICs
  • placed our towels in the wash as well

At 5.30pm today during his daily press conference the Health Ministry Director-General Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah announced no additional positive cases at Menara City One for the 3rd day in a row which remains at 39 cases.

It has been 9 days since we were PCR tested, and we assume that our results are negative. We ask that everyone we know to pray for our continued health, safety and well-being.

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