Friday 1 May 2020

Menara City One EMCO: Day 32/29 - May Day, May Day

| Day 45/56 of Malaysian MCO | Day 32/29 of City One EMCO |

We read with great interest the article below and heartily welcome the government's latest stand on illegal immigrants found in areas where the EMCO is imposed:

As if on cue, at about 11am our residents' chat group was abuzz with news that the Immigration Department had arrived at Menara City One. Our security officer then informed us privately that a large task-force comprising the Immigration Department, PDRM and Malaysia Civil Defence Force (JPAM) are sweeping our condo in search of illegal immigrants.

According to the condo management office (COMC) the task-force teams are visiting units where illegal immigrants are known to be residing, based on a list provided by the COMC as well as KKM's list of screened residents.

We later heard from our neighbours the Punjabi family from the other side of our floor that between 8-10 illegal immigrants were seen lining up in front of their unit before being led down via the staircase. It is good to know that the task-force team was still mindful enough to ensure non-contamination as well as observe social distancing by avoiding the lifts.

Two hours later our security officer updated all residents through our residents' chat group that the task-force team were still hunting down illegal immigrants in our condo; residents were to refrain from accepting deliveries at this point in time or at least arrange to reschedule, she will inform us once the exercise has been concluded.

All throughout the morning through to the afternoon we heard yelling and the sound of chains rattling. Photos shared at the residents' chat group later shed light on the source of the rattling sound:

At about 2.30pm our security officer informed all residents through our residents' chat group that the task-force team comprising the Immigration Department, PDRM and Malaysia Civil Defence Force (JPAM) had concluded its sting operation.

Illegals held in major swoop at Menara City One

Police, Immigration trucks seen at Menara City One

Today there was no Press Conference by the Senior Minister (Defence), so as yet there is no official announcement made on the status of Menara City One's EMCO. We are officially in a state of limbo (again). The lock-down imposed on our condo should have expired yesterday (30th April), and with no announcement from the government it would seem that it should have been lifted. Barbwire and AK47s say otherwise.

We are again the forgotten people of the MCO.

At 4.30pm today during his daily press conference the Health Ministry Director-General Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah announced no further additional positive cases for the 2nd consecutive day at Menara City One which remains at 55 cases.

It has been 22 days since we were PCR tested, and we assume that our results are negative. We ask that everyone we know to pray for our continued health, safety and well-being.

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