Sunday 4 April 2021

Midnight Rain... We Begin Again!

It has truly been an awfully long while since our last blog. In that time, we experienced the ebb and flow of the pandemic, and it has been one heck of a roller-coaster ride.

We were very envious of some who have managed to make travelling a full-time profession, and dream of doing the same one day. Vlogging is the new way to go, long replacing the traditional blog as the medium of communication between the traveller and his audience.

To be perfectly honest we are painfully camera shy and will probably start off our vlogging attempts minus our faces and voices while focusing on the food or destination. A caption underneath each clip will be our means of communicating with our audience.

We have several cameras (though not all are meant for vlogging), and in time hope to invest in more suitable equipment. In the meantime, we will make do with what we have.

So, what better way to start off our attempt at vlogging than to showcase what’s right in front of us:

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

It was a warm and humid night, so the rain was a very pleasant surprise. First time shooting in Cinelike-D (LOG file) and first-time colour correcting. Loads more to learn, but at least it’s a start!

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