Wednesday 9 August 2023

CHENG HO Hawker Centre


For the third time in as many days we found ourselves at Cheng Ho Hawker Centre for lunch. My perut was still quite sore from the 'disturbances' earlier in the morning so we both decided to have rice porridge here.

This time around we filmed our excursion here. Interestingly enough, the Chicken Rice Ball stall that we tried to visit yesterday and the day before was still not open for business.

I was especially thankful for the rice porridge since I did not have an appetite for much else here. 

Cat had the normal rice porridge while I opted for the plain variant, just to be safe. Each bowl cost RM7.00 (approximately USD1.50/EUR1.40) and together with drinks our very simple meal came to only RM20.00 (approximately USD/EUR4).

Lunch out of the way we then drove back to the Airbnb where I spent the rest of the day under the covers.

Tomorrow we head back to Kuala Lumpur 😔

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
Cheng Ho Hawker Centre -

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