Monday 6 November 2023

BRENDAN's Graduation!

 Brendan's Graduation!

We got up at half past six and checked out of My Inn Hotel an hour later. We then drove to the parking lots allocated for parents at CITDS, UNIMAS and made the short walk to DETAR PUTRA.

Since it was only a quarter to eight we took a stroll along a row of stalls before deciding on a sweet, blue-themed graduation bouquet for Brendan. We then parted ways with Brendan who had to get himself registered before half past eight. We were then ushered into a large tent where we were served with light refreshments.

We waited for an hour before the process of admitting parents into the main hall commenced. Parents were trooped in batch by batch, and we finally entered the main hall at a quarter past eight. 

The ceremony began a little after ten with the arrival of the Premier of Sarawak, The Right Honourable Abang Abdul Rahman Zohari Abang Openg who is also serving as Chancellor of UNIMAS.

The ceremony started off with PHD students, then post-graduate students before finally fresh graduates from Brendan's own Faculty of Education, Language and Communication.

Three hours later Brendan received his scroll, and the ceremony ended at two in the afternoon. As we exited the hall we realised that a heavy downpour had engulfed UNIMAS. Brendan and his fellow graduates were ushered back to his faculty for a separate and intimate ceremony while Cat and I drove to his old college Cempaka and had a late lunch at the Sulaiman Cafe.

After lunch at Brendan's beckoning we drove to his faculty and helped with an impromptu photography session with his lecturers and fellow graduates. Brendan said his goodbyes and we left UNIMAS at four, arriving back at Adelyn's Airbnb a half an hour later.

We would spend the entire evening at home, and ate in with the help of the Grab delivery app.

What a day!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
Centre for IT Development and Services UNIMAS
Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Hall (DeTAR PUTRA)
Faculty of Education, Language and Communication (FELC)
The CountryMan, Terrace House -

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