Wednesday 8 November 2023

Going Home: MH2513 KCH ✈ KUL

Going Home!

I awoke at eight and promptly ordered breakfast for us from McDonald's with the Grab delivery app. Cat woke up shortly there after and received our meal from the delivery rider. We then woke Brendan up, had our breakfast and began to pack our things away.

We left Adelyn's Airbnb at half past ten and arrived at Kuching International Airport (KIA) approximately fifteen minutes later.  I then dropped Brendan and Cat off at the front of the Departure Hall and waited a while for them to unload our luggage.

Our good buddy Awang Amirul was again indisposed so I drove the rental car around and into the airport car park where it was securely parked. I shared a few photos of the car's location with Awang Amirul and then made my way to the Departure Hall. Here's a link to his Facebook page.

We then waited until 11:30am to check ourselves in. With time to burn till our flight was scheduled to depart we decided on drinks at Starbucks. Although it was fairly large the outlet's barista also doubled as the cashier which resulted in a longer wait time.

Half an hour later we began to make our way the Departure Hall. We navigated the Immigration counters, the security checkpoint before heading to Gate 5. Thankfully MH2513 was still on schedule to take off at 1:30pm so we had less than hour's wait.

The boarding process began at 1:00pm, we got to our seats twenty minutes later. We were seated along row 10 which meant that there was no window to peer out of, and more importantly no footage of the take off and landing.

MH2513 began taxiing towards the runway at 1:30pm and  took off ten minutes later. Apart from a few air pockets the flight was largely uneventful and we were soon served with our on-board meals. Brendan and I had the Chicken with Rice while Cat opted for the Seafood with Rice.

We soon touched down at 3:10pm. We collected our luggage from Carousel L then headed down to the ERL train station. We caught a train at 4:00pm and arrived at KL Sentral approximately half an hour later.

We then hailed a 6-seater Grab car for a fare of RM25.00 (approximately USD/EUR5) and got back home at almost five in the evening.

Kuching, we miss you already!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
The CountryMan, Terrace House -
Kuching International Airport -
Kuala Lumpur International Airport [KLIA]

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