Saturday 4 November 2023

UNIMAS (Graduation Robes)


Having cleared Customs and Immigration at a quarter past one in the afternoon we walked out of Kuching International Airport to collect the rental car.

As always we turned to our good buddy Awang Amirul for wheels. Here's a link to his Facebook page.

He was not able to see us this time around so he kindly arranged for us pick up the rental car from his friend, Atek.

We hope to embark on a Sarawakian road trip next year, from Kuching to Miri and back, an epic adventure that will span almost two thousand kilometers. Awang Amirul will definitely be integral to our plans.

We then drove to UNIMAS as Brendan wanted to collect his graduation robes. We arrived at DeTAR at 2:00pm but found the office still closed for lunch so we headed over to Brendan's old college, Cempaka.

We had drinks at Sulaiman Cafe while I consumed a round of  antibiotics.

We then headed back to DeTAR to collect Brendan's robes. The entire process was rather tedious but absolutely necessary and took about an hour or so.

Brendan was overjoyed for finally being able to see his graduation robes for the first time, and we have a photo shoot planned around the lake area tomorrow.

Meanwhile, be sure to catch the next video where we ran a few errands at Aiman Mall nearby!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
Kuching International Airport -
Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Hall (DeTAR PUTRA)

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