Sunday 24 December 2023

RED GARDEN Food Paradise

For all intent and purpose we were supposed to have our dinner here yesterday. The frightful ten hours we spent on the bus yesterday put paid to our plans.

No matter, we were finally here! I had no doubt about what to have for dinner, and neither did Cat. Brendan ordered from the same Western food stall as I, and we eventually ordered the:

  • German Sausages for RM22.00
  • Rib Eye Steak for RM38.00
  • Belacan Fried Rice for RM15.00
  • Fruit Rojak for RM10.00

Together with an assortment of merry beverages for RM40.00 our festive dinner came to a princely sum of RM125.00 (approximately USD27/EUR25).

Be sure to catch our next video as we attempt to walk off all the calories!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:

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