Friday 15 March 2024

TANAH RATA Morning Walkabout

It's my birthday!

The birthday boy overslept and by the time we got ready for breakfast it was already a quarter past nine.
Our breakfast destination was only a ten minute walk away so we headed out of Cameron Fair and headed south then turned right onto Jalan Mentigi Utama headed southwest. 

After a while we walked across Jalan Mentigi Utama and eventually made our way along Jalan Royal Lily 4/2. At the end of this road was Uncle Chow Kopitiam. 

By the time we were done with breakfast it was almost half past ten so we decided to explore Tanah Rata properly.

We doubled back along Jalan Mentigi Utama and back to Cameron Fair then stopped by the CS Travel Liner ticketing counter to enquire about printing out our bus tickets for tomorrow's trip back to Kuala Lumpur. Turned out the ticketing system in Cameron Highlands is quite basic, and all we had to do was to tell the bus inspector (?) our seat numbers and we will be checked in.

We then continued our walkabout along Jalan Camelia headed north. At the end of the street we walked across Jalan Besar and turned right headed southeast. We continued along Jalan Besar and walked onto the pedestrian five-foot way. Here were various shops and eateries lining the left side, and we stopped by the Cameron Bharat Plantations Retail Shop to get ourselves some souvenirs.

We ended up with ten boxes of various flavoured tea bags at RM13.50 each (approximately USD/EUR3), then continued our walkabout along Jalan Besar to the very end before doubling back.

We walked east for several hundred metres then walked across Jalan Besar onto Jalan Camelia Utama 1, and walked into Cameron Fair. Here we browsed for sweaters before ending up with sweaters for Brendan and Cat for RM55.00 each  (approximately USD12/EUR11).

We then made our way back to the Airbnb. Stay tuned as we head to a swanky restaurant later for my birthday lunch!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
Cameron Bharat Plantations Retail Shop

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