Monday 3 June 2024

ON THE WAY Kopitiam

A change in plans!

We picked you up again as we headed to our lunchtime destination.

We kid you not, in our minds Chuan Kee serves the best Chicken Rice ever! Yes, we may be biased but we've had Chicken Rice many times before at many different restaurants from many different states, but nothing holds a candle to Chuan Kee.

As mentioned in our previous video about Chuan Kee when Cat and I first got married in 1998 we stayed with my parents, just several hundred meters away from Restoran Chuan Kee. It was our default destination every Friday (Terengganu’s weekend) after Mass. It seemed like yesterday that we left Kuala Terengganu, not 20 years ago. 

As is the case the moment we arrive in Kuala Terengganu Restoran Chuan Kee will be our first port of call. Alas by the time we arrived Chuan Kee was closing up. No worries, it will definitely be bookmarked for another time.

Our plan B was none other then the restaurant called "On The Way". A short drive away it was located along Jalan Bandar Baru at Kampung Cina, Kuala Terengganu's very own Chinatown.

We arrived knowing very well that we would order our customary:

  • Laksa Kuah Putih for me
  • Laksam Kuah Putih for Cat 
  • Laksa Kuah Merah for Brendan 
  • side orders of Rojak Betik and Fries 
  • 3 Iced Lemon Tea
  • and 1 Juice Jambu Asamboi

Our first meal in Kuala Terengganu came to RM68.00 (approximately USD14/EUR13).

With lunch out of the way we drove to my late Aunty's house to share the location with Zuhdi of Terengganu Cleaning Services with whom we had an appointment tomorrow morning.

Be sure to catch our upcoming video where a series of unfortunate events unfolded!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:

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