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Sunday 11 August 2024

Kota Kinabalu to Kuala Lumpur: MH2621

Flying Home!

We arose at seven this morning and after getting ready hailed a 6-seater Grab car for a fare of RM17.00 (approximately USD/EUR4).

We could scarcely believe that seven days had passed us day. This trip was an eye-opener for us, an introduction to all that Sabah had to offer. There will need to be more meticulous planning the next time we come over.

Our Grab car picked us up at 8:00am and dropped us off at Pillar 2 of KKIA. In that time we chatted about the various attractions in and around Kota Kinabalu, and the driver Meddy gave us a lot of helpful tips.

Although our flight MH2621 was due to depart at 11:30am we made it a point to come early, as we always do. Foot traffic was light and after a short queue we made our way to the check in counter to deposit our luggage and collect our boarding passes.

Half an hour later we walked through security and immigration checkpoints without incident, and with an hour till boarding we decided to park ourselves at Oldtown White Coffee. We had a round of drinks as we waited to board at 10:30am.

In that time Cat went browsing for pearls at Adiba Ayu and eventually settled for a set of bracelet, necklace and earrings for RM198.00 (approximately USD45/EUR41). A fitting wedding anniversary present, don't you think?

Boarding began at 11:00am in groups and since we were in the final Group 6 we boarded at a quarter past eleven. MH2621 pushed back at 11:33am and after a short taxi took off at 11.45am.

The two and a half hour flight was again largely uneventful and despite encountering heavy rain in KLIA the plane touched down smoothly at 2:10pm.

We finally disembarked at 2:30pm and made a beeline for Carousel K to collect our luggage. Perhaps due to the heavy rain our luggage only appeared at 3:00pm. We walked out of the Arrival Hall hoping to ride an elevator down to the KLIA Express station but the long queue dissuaded us.

Since we did not use a cumbersome trolley we elected to take the escalator instead. With the same tickets we purchased earlier we tagged ourselves past the turnstile at the ERL station at Level 1.

We caught the train at 3:20pm and arrived at KL Sentral half an hour later. We then hailed a 6-seater Grab car for a fare of RM43.00 (approximately USD10/EUR9) back to our condo. Door to door our journey from The Shore Suites to our home took a little over eight hours, which was not bad at all.

Thus ended our adventure to Sabah, dubbed "The Land Below The Wind". We hope to visit you again really soon!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA)
KLIA Express  Transit Station @ KLIA

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