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Tuesday 6 August 2024

Kota Kinabalu to Kundasang: BW Bus Restaurant

Drive to Kundasang!

We woke up at seven and got ready to go out for breakfast. At the same time we had some laundry to do, so we walked out to breakfast at Ariba Maju which was right across from the laundromat, Spin 'n Clean.

The night before off camera a mutual friend had delivered our rental car. For RM100.00 per day (approximately USD23/EUR21) we had the use of a diminutive Proton Saga FLX to take us to and from Kundasang.

At a quarter to nine, with our perut filled and laundry all done we walked back to the homestay to pack. We checked out of our homestay at ten, loaded our luggage into the newly acquired rental car and began our drive to Kundasang.

Sadly we forgot to bring the DJI Action 4's car mount so there was no hyper-lapse footage of our two hour drive.

We had booked two rooms for two nights at Ayana Holiday Resort. Seeing as check-in was a couple of hours away we decided to have lunch at a most peculiar restaurant here at  Kundasang.

Known as BW Bus Restaurant, its Facebook page described it as "A local Sabahan owned restaurant that turns antique buses into a modern dining cafe. Serving delicious western food and good coffee!"

Situated between the Ranau and Kundasang highways in it is a restaurant that made up of refurbished old buses into a unique dining experience.

We walked and paid an entrance of RM5.00 each (approximately USD/EUR1) which can be offset against anything we ordered from the restaurant later.

Speaking of which, after a quick scan of their menu we settled on:

  • Crispy Chicken Burger
  • Ham and Cheese Toast
  • Homemade Beef Burger 
  • 2 Iced Lemon Tea
  • Iced Latte

After deducting our combined entrance fee of RM15.00 our first meal in Kundasang came to RM89.00 (approximately USD20/EUR18). Lunch out of the way we hopped back into the rental car and made our way in the opposite direction.

Be sure to catch our next video where we check into a resort in the clouds!

(Do visit our YouTube Channel Have Perut Will Travel)

📍 Location:
The Klagan @ Riverson Hotel -

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